Monday, June 4, 2012

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

I feel kind of weird, having not posted in more than a couple of days, but this was a bit of an "off" weekend.  I'll jump right into it:

The Weekend:
The Good: 

Wealth and Hellness Meeting.  These meeting are fun little get together that my co-workers and I have occasionally when we need some "team building."  Really, they consist of meeting up after work on a Friday for drinks and snacks.  Significant others are welcome, and normally we have a pretty good crowd.  They're fun.  We should do these more often.  So, that was something that falls under "The Good."  (Oh, the name is a spin off of the "Health and Welless Committee" meetings we used to have.  Totally different type of atmosphere at these meetings! :)

Golfing.  Yesterday, we golfed.  All I can say that was good about this is that we actually made the effort to get out there and spend a good amount of time getting some practice in.  And a good friend joined us, so it was really nice to see him.  That's about all that was good in regards to golf this weekend.

The Bad:

I didn't feel well.  This affected the whole weekend.  Starting Friday, after Wealth and Hellness, I started to feel sick.  Stayed up late, trying to get comfortable, which didn't happen.  Slept in very late, and then took naps all day.  No running for me.  Totally fell off the work out wagon this weekend.

Working out.  Again, didn't feel good, so didn't get a work out in on Saturday.  I hoped that all the napping would allow me to get up and run before golfing, but that didn't happen either.  I did manage to do some cardio and a little working out in after golfing, but it certainly wasn't anything special.

The Ugly:

Golfing. This was just an ugly round of golf...  For all of us. I may have had a few decent strokes, but overall, this was pretty sad.

The Good: 

I went to bed VERY early last night and got plenty of sleep.  I definitely needed it, so hopefully I'm on my way to feeling better.  I do feel much better overall.

Back at work.  It will be nice to have a routine again.  This weekend sort of threw me off.  Also, I get to be around friends. :) They make things so much better!

Hoping to get a good workout in today. :)  I always feel better when I'm on track with those.  And... I was not on track this weekend.

I did the laundry before I left for work!  I love getting chores out of the way.  Even if it's something little like folding clothes, it's so nice to have one less thing to do when I get home.

The Bad:

I just have lots to do today. 

Also, I had some very disturbing dreams last night.  Not sure where those came from, and, of couse, I can't make sense of any of them, but they were disturbing.  Not a fan of those.  I wonder what causes you to dream?  I've heard that you dream when you are well rested, and that would make sense, considering all the sleep I got this weekend.

I woke up feeling very disoriented and "off" this morning.  It passed early, luckily, but from time to time, I'll just get overwhelmed with this feeling that I can't describe.  It's just that things don't feel okay or "right."  Sometimes it will last for a few hours, and that is terrible, and normally it's in the mornings.  But today it was gone by the time I left my house for work!  That was a relief. 

The Ugly:

I'm going to have to count the weird feelings this morning as "The Ugly" as well and "The Bad." 

That's about all I have that falls under "The Ugly."

So, let's hope today is a great day!  I've got a few goals to accomplish today: work out, make it to the grocery story, get my minutes typed, have a generally good day...  All of those seem reasonable.  Hopefully, I've gotten all of "The Bad" and "The Ugly" out of the way.

Oh, and I got the idea for "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly" from Michelle!  She's full of great ideas!  And, I think I've seen similar type posts on other blogs.

This week:
This week will have a few challenges.  Sticking to the work out plan is a big one, but this will require me to get moving in the morning, as I've got some evening things going on.  These evening things are things I'm certainly looking forward to, but I'm not looking forward to getting out of bed and working out.  I'll do it though!!  The fun things that I've got going on include a hair appointment (really need to go, but it's so fun to visit with Claudia, my hairdresser, and she always make me feel so much better), and a double dinner date with our friends Lindsey and Clay!  They're always fun to spend time with. :)   I'd like to get some quality time in with some other friends this week too, so, we will see how this all plays out. I'm trying to cram a lot into this week.  Work challenges include just catching up mainly.  That won't be a big deal, but it's something I've got to do.

The Book!!
Well, I got a lot of reading done this weekend, being all laid up and sick...  I can honestly say it's gotten better.  Still probably not my cup of tea, but the story has progressed, and if you can get through the pretty graphic, umm, intimate scenes, and try to focus on the storyline and character development, it's decent.  Still, the main character is just too naive for me to find believable, and the secondary main character, Mr. Suave, is unbelievable in every aspect...  The way he acts, the things he does...  Not sure about him.  The book is still very predictable, but not as bad as I was anticipating.  I've heard that the second and third books are better. 

I've got lots of picture to post, so hopefully I'll get those up later today!  I've actually done a good job keeping up with the challenge for June, but I just haven't gotten around to posting them yet.  Plus I have some pictures to post from the Wealth and Hellness Meeting and from golfing.

Happy Monday!

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