Monday, June 25, 2012

Friday Night's Near Incident

So, Friday wasn't the best of days...  Sort of discouraging, only because I had high hopes for this past weekend.  I'd set expectations that it was going to be a low key, but really nice weekend.  Now I'm really starting to do a lot of thinking about having expectations...  But there is a lot that goes into that, so expectations, and setting them, is a post for another day.  Friday, I'd wanted a semi-busy day at work, but nothing too stressful and a nice evening.  That's not asking for a lot, so my expectations really weren't set that high. 

Well, work was more stressful than I'd anticipated or wanted, but that wasn't really a big deal.  I got a bunch of things accomplished, and that was definitely good.  But I was still counting down the minutes untl 5:00 so that I could get started on my weekend.  My Friday routine is to go to Husband's office after I get off work and hang out until he's finished with his work.  After that, we'll go have dinner, and then, we typically go home and hang out.  Very low key, but it's so nice to relax and be ready for Saturday. 

There was a slight incident on the way to dinner...  Totally my fault, but had anything actually happened, it would have been an accident.  A complete accident.  We took separate cars to dinner, and, long story short, I was so focused on finding the right street to turn on, that I nearly missed it and turned almost too late...  And almost had what would have been a really bad accident.  But I managed to avoid the accident (thank you, Lord).  So, this really shook me up.  To the point that by the time I got to the next stop ligh, I was shaking pretty bad.  Not only from the accident, but from the look I could see on my husband's face in my rearview mirror.  I was dreading when we would park, and he would actually speak to me about my near collision...  I knew he was not happy with me.  I wasn't happy with myself.  So, we had a heated moment about how I need to pay better attention (which I do), but I couldn't seem to articulate my side of how the incdent actually went down, so I shut down.  I do that when I'm confused or overwhelmed.  Not the best quality, but it's how I work, and I can only try to work on my communicating, as can most people.  He was not happy, but we went to dinner.  It was a pretty quiet dinner, and I spent most of it beating myself up over my mistake.

I let that one thing really get to me...  It basically ruined my night.  That's my fault.  I need to be better about letting things roll off my back; I need to be better when it comes to communicating my feelings about how situations make me feel.  Had I communicated better, I'm sure my evening could have been salvaged, but I let it get the best of me.  It really isn't any fun feeling awkward when you're with your family, trying to have a nice dinner to start off what you had hoped would be a great weekend.

I'm still disappoined with myself for letting one thing really get me down.  It wasn't only that I nearly destroyed my car and the car of the person I nearly hit, it was that the siuation seemed to get worse AFTER what should have been the really bad part. 

Just an FYI, I am not a terrible driver.  Yes, I've had my fair sahre of "incidents," but overall, I'm very careful.  I was actually being overly cautious this time, and that's what caused the near collision.  I truly was trying to hard to pay attention to the names of the  street.  And I'm not sure what it is about this one street that I just have so many problems with.  Next time, I will most definitely be taking the long route there.  Call me crazy, but I'll show up a few minutes later and sit in traffic very willingly, if it will keep my car in one piece and keep my night from getting ruined. I'm also going to continue to work on not letting one thing get me down and keep me down.  So, it happened...  It's over, and thankfully, everyone is okay, and no damage was done.  No reason to dwell on it for two days.  Seriously...  I know that...  Okay, that's my rant on that.  Moral of the story: things happen... accidents happen...  Face the music, calm down, and then get on with the rest of your night.  And smile!  Don't let it ruin an evening, or a day, or a dinner... 

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