Saturday, June 9, 2012

Updates! The race is exactly SIX months out!

Training update:  Well, I had a pretty good week with the training.  I was VERY happy with Wednesday's a.m. run, which was such a relief because I'll have to do another a.m. run this Thursday (we have massages Thursday evening! :).   But today...  Different story.  I did not want to run.  I had sort of set a goal for myself to go for four miles today, but I knew instantly this morning that that was not going to happen.  I did manage to talk myself into going, and I'm so glad I did.  It wasn't a hard run, but I never really got into it today.  There will be days...  That's to be expected, so I'm okay with it, but it is slightly frustrating when it is one of those days.  On the positive side, my running has improved.  Although I'm not really trying to focus on pace, it's improved, which is nice.  I'm also not totally spent anymore after a 25 minute run, which I was for awhile.  I just wasn't expecting to have so much difficulty when I started to run again because I had continued to work out, just not run outside as much.  I'm glad I'm falling back into the outdoor routine pretty quickly.  So, actually today was 2.58 miles in 22 minutes 44 seconds.  I can say I'm happy with that.  Six months to go!!  Eek!!

Photo challenge:
Still having trouble finding a worthy "hat" picture... So, it's been skipped for now...

7. (Drink)
Yummy margarita from last night!  It has been awhile since I've had a margarita, and I could only have one...  It was tasty, but a bit too sweet for more than one. Fun though!  Everyone loves the occasional margarita!

8. (6:00)
This would be me!  I tried to pull off a picture of me at 6:00, but this is actually at 5:59.  What I really wanted to do was get a picture of me at 6:00 with my margarita, but that didn't work.

Then, at 6:00, I took a picture of 6:00!  Creative, I know! Haha! :)

Book update:
Taking a break from 50 Shades and will be reading Divergent!!
Book buddy and good friend, Rosary, recommended it as a good thinking, but still easy, read!  Looking forward to it!! It's just finished downloading! :)


  1. Aw!! Thanks fOr the shutout! Your training sounds like it is going great! I, on the other hand, had to nurse a pulled IT band this weekend and could barely walk yesterday :(. Can't wait for you to read Divergent!! You'll love it!

    1. You're very welcome! I'm so sorry that you pulled your IT band! How did you do this?? Take care of yourself, and definitely make sure you're all healed up before you get back out there. I feel terrible for you, ugh, that's miserable!! So far, loving Divergent! I'll keep you posted! Thank you for the recommmendation!! :)
