Monday, June 25, 2012

Let's Talk Training!

I have so many things that I want to write posts about, but, as I've said, my MAIN goal right now is making sure I'm adequately prepared for my big race, and I've been doing some research and talking to some people about training tips and race tips in general.  So, this post is going to focus on where I am in my training, and I'm going to share some hopefully helpful tips for marathons, 1/2 marathons, training, what to eat, etc...

Well, here is an update on how my training is going and what I've been doing.  I still am feeling that the second day run tends to be a better run for me, so I'm going to try to stick with that for awhile, until my schedule calls for runs that are so long they require me to not do them two days in a row.  As always, we will see how this goes.  So, I ran on Friday (3.26 miles in 29 min 15 sec), and I was very happy with that!  So Saturday rolls around, and I decide (I got up SO early, on my own) to try for a longer run.  4.29 miles in 37 min. 38 sec.) was a great!!  It was early and cool out, and I tried a new route.  The whole thing was great!  My plan was to get up early on Sunday for a short run before Belated Father's Day golf and lunch... Due to circumstances beyond my control (Vegas keeping me awake ALL night, more on that in another post...  Bad kitty.), I couldn't pull myself out of bed in enough time.  Golfing was a bit of a workout, but it was definitely more fun than effort.  I didn't think I'd get any exercise in after the golfing, but I managed to pull off some cardio on the elliptical and a little light weight training. 

Today I managed to pull myself out of bed to get a 2.5 mile run in.  It wasn't great, but I had a rough night with Mr. Vegas again...  So, just getting out of bed was a struggle in itself.  It is nice that, even if it is hard to get out of bed, running 2.5 miles is becoming very easy.  I'm seeing the progress!  My time is improving a little...  But that's not a focus, really; it's just a nice little bonus.  Not sure if I'll take tomorrow off.  I probably should, because I'll have to take Friday and most likely Saturday off, so tomorrow would be the best day to skip so I could have a rest day and then 2 workout days before I take a possible two day break.  We'll see though.  Trying to not over do it, but a short run really helps in the morning...  And I don't like the idea of taking multiple days off in a row. 

I've started doing some research on what else I need to do to prepare for the race, and I'm starting to realize just how huge this thing is...  And I'm only doing 1/2 of a marathon!!  I can't fathom facing a 26.2 mile race at the moment.  It just seems crazy.  13.1 miles seems pretty crazy in itself right now!  So, I want to be super prepared!  Overly prepared even!!  So, the research begins.  Some initial questions I have are what to eat in the days leading up to the race (especially the day before) and what to have for breakfast that day.  I'm not a huge breakfast person, but you cannot run 13.1 miles on nothing.  I've read not to try anything new on in your tummy right before the race...  Especially the morning of.  I'm thinking I will probably stick with a banana and yogurt, although that may not be enough.  My fear is of having a sloshy feeling in my stomach.  That wouldn't be good.  I'll have enough time to figure out what works best for me, but that is my initial guess.  Obviously, lots of water in the days before, the day of and during the race.  I've read that the day before the race, 70% of the calories you take in need to be from carbs, which makes sense, and you're supposed to double your water intake.  And after the race, you must replenish.  That won't be a problem!  I'll look more into that, but I have a feeling that will be easy to figure out.

I found a website that I think will be pretty helpful, but I haven't spent too much time on quite yet.  It's One article on the website is tips for first time half marathon.  Some tips from the article (that I feel are very accurate) are:
  • Warn your family and friends that you'll have the stability of a 3-year-old child on race day.  Oh, how I hate to admit this, but it's probably going to be the case for me...  Only, I'll probably have that mentatlity for about a week or so before the race.
  • Have faith in your preparation, especially in the taper.  I'm sure I will have trouble tapering off before the race.  I do understand why it is important, but this will definitely be one of those things I have to MAKE myself do...  I have the tendancy to over do things, but you may have caught on to that already!!
  • Don't try anything new during the taper.  Again no new foods, stick with the same cothes, and definitely stick with the same shoes!!
Those are just three tips from this article.

From a great TRAINING article on A Foodie Stays Fit, here are some great tips to keep in mind, but for the time leading up to the big race:
  • You are allowed to walk.  This is also true during the race.  Sometimes you need to walk for a bit and give your body a break or catch your breath.
  • Especially in the beginning, you don't have to stick to your training schedule religiously.  I've definitely NOT been the best at following my schedule.  I've used it as a guideline, but I've done my own thing more days than not.  The biggest thing that I've taken away from the schedule as of right now is to give myself rest days.  As unnatural as they may seem to be at the time, they do make a big difference.  I also have taken away the belief that I do not need to run as far as I can, or stay on the elliptical for an extended period of time, every day that is not a rest day.  Some days can be easier days, especially if I notice I'm really struggling for whatever reason.  So, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!
  • That being said...  trust your training plan.  As the article says, most plans don't have you running a full 13.1 miles before the race, but if you've followed it as best you can, and you've improved as the schedule says you should have, especially as the race gets closer, you'll be able to pull off the total distance.  The particular training schedule I'm using only has me run 12 miles once before the big day.  But once you get to 12 miles, you can certainly pull off 1.1 more mile (says the first time 1/2 marathoner). 
  • I really like this tip, and I'm looking forward to using it, but I'm not quite to the point where my runs are considered "long runs."  Use your "long runs" to figure out what works for you.  This is in regard to food and hydration.  The writer of the article says that she brings water if she's running over six miles and some sort of food for over 7 miles.  I'll be at 6 miles soon (hopefully), so after that, I'll probably make a loop back to my house to rehydrate.  
As of right now, I plan on having music...  It's how I've been training, and I enjoy running with music rather than without.  You'd think most people would be this way, but I've found that isn't necessarily the case.  I will be with friends, but it's easy to pause Pandora if I want to attempt to communicate with those around me.  Really, if you're able to say more than a few words, you're not pushing yourself like you should be.  So, yes...  planning on taking the Iphone.  Plus, I don't play the music very loud...  I think it's important to be aware of my surroundings, and blaring music could be problematic, let's say if someone is trying to get my attention to tell me there is a snake about to jump out at me or something else crazy like that.

I also think I'll have a few people cheering for me on the sidelines, which will be nice and will definitely keep me going.  Like I said, I'll be running with friends, but for my area, this is a jam packed race, so most likely, I won't stay next to them for the entire race.  Knowing I'm not doing it alone is very comforting.  Whether or not I'm running next to a complete stranger or my best friend, I will not be running alone!

Still have plenty of time to get ready, and I'm getting excited, but also nervous!  Already!

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