Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

One day late!  Oops!  I really intended to get this up yesterday, but yesterday was a sick day, and all I did was sleep and watch movies.  I think I over did the early morning workouts and didn't get enough sleep, which caught up with me Sunday.  I should have known something was up when I went to be at 7:45 Friday night... Oh well, I'm still figuring it all out, and I continue to make progress, so once I find my balance, things should get better. 

But on to more important things!  Unfortunately, we didn't get to spend Father's Day with my family this year.  We decided to celebrate my dad on a less crazy weekend, so next weekend will be our Father's Day!  But I'm going to go ahead and say a little bit about my wonderful dad!  If you know me at all, you probably know that I am absolutely a Daddy's girl and that he hung the moon in my world.  If you've had the chance to meet him, you know what a wonderful person he is in every single way.  I know that the father/daughter relationship is one that cannot really be explained, but it is certainly something special that cannot be replicated.  My dad has lovingly made sacrifices for our family for as long as I can remember, and he has always done so very willingly and with a smile on his face.  He is also a teacher.  He has taught me so many things and continues to do so...  From how to use a camera to how to accept my imperfections, and even how to embrace them.  He is always there for me, and he is always ready to listen to me or give me advice.  If I need him to, he'll even drive up to see me for lunch.  I love my dad.

I hope that every single person gets to experience this relationship from one side or the other, as it is truly a blessing; an enrichment to every life it touches.  

I love you, Dad!  I'm sorry we didn't get to celebrate yesterday, but, as we said, the actual day we celebrate really doesn't matter.  Father's Day is whatever day we choose for it to be...  And we chose to celebrate it on a day that will be less crowded on the golf course and at any restaurant.  I hope you know how much I love you!  I can't wait to see you!

Some of my favorite pics with my Dad!

I hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day!

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