Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Well, today has been interesting, and there is still plenty of day left.  Already, I've been tested a little.  Nothing major, just minor car problems, but of course, in my world, that's traumatic.  I'm dramatic, but when it comes to cars and other things that I don't know much about, I tend to get overwhelmed easily.  This is a good time for me to work on letting things go.  It is also a good time for me to practice finding the good in a situation.  Now, I try to do this often, but it's not always easy, especially when I'm caught up in the situation.

But on to what I can be thankful for today:
  1. I am thankful that this weekend, we are going to my Mother In Law's lake house for some pre 4th of July festivities!  It'll be fun to see some family that I haven't seen in awhile.
  2. I am thankful that I have done really well with working out this week.  I'm rewarding myself with a day of rest tomorrow, and possibly Saturday, depending on how things go in the morning with Husband and me getting out of the house early enough to get to the lake house on time.  I may get two days off!
  3. I am thankful (man, this sounds pretty pathetic...) that I got a little lesson in being a big girl today.  I handled the car situation reasonably well, but the big accomplishment is that I handled it with no emotional breakdown.  Like I said, I don't do well with things I'm not comfortable with.  Something I'm working on, on my own and out of necessity.  Sometimes I swear I'm the youngest 27 year old out there. 
  4. I am thankful that I was in good company today at lunch.  Lunch with a sweet friend whose presence is enough to cheer me up is always a great thing. :)
  5. Hair appointment today.  Self explanatory.
  6. I'm thankful for my dad, who always answers the phone when I really need him to.  He has a way of putting things, like a little car battery issue, into perspective, while helping me figure out what to do about a given problem.  (Goodness, I sound like a little kid...)  Thanks, Dad. Love you.
  7. I am thankful that I get to see the sunrise almost every morning.  I've found that this is such a peaceful time of day, and I typically get my head in the right place during my morning runs.  Doesn't mean it necessarily stays there...  But we're working on that.
  8. I am thankful that tomorrow is Friday.

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