Monday, June 25, 2012

Friday Night, Part II: Be the Coffee

Well, if you read my last entry, you know that Friday evening didn't start off so well.  So, in an attempt to lighten my mood and get my mind in a more positive place, I asked people to post their favorite or most helpful quote or saying in a Facebook post.  I got some really good responses.  Some were classic quotes that I've head before, but hearing them again was definitely a good thing.  Others were completely new to me.  Some were just fun...  And those are always definitely appreciated.  It was nice to hear what people use as their "go to" for a mood lifter. 

One of my friends shared a story with me.  His favorite quote was "Be the coffee."  He said I'd understand it after he explained it, and after he did, I fell in love with this quote.  It's something that can really apply to anyone.  It's all about making the most out of a bad situation.  It, of course, doesn't apply to all occasions, but most inspirational stories and quotes don't.  This applies to the majority, I think.

So, this is how it goes:  people are like either coffee, a corrot or an egg.  When you subject each item to the same heat and presure, it will have a completely different reaction.  An egg will turn hard and crack when heated, a carrot will fall apart, but the coffee does something much different than falling apart or turning hard.  The coffee change into something better when put under the same heat as the egg or carrot.  The coffee changes the essence of everything around it.  It turns into something that is desired by those who enjoy it.  I know not everyone likes coffee, but you get the point.  Under pressure, or when times get rough, we react (typically) one of three ways. We turn hard and crack, we fall apart or we become better for the struggle.  My friend and I both thought it was so cool that the little explanation of the "be the coffee" quote emphasized that these reactions come from being put under pressure.  We can take times of adversity and use them to become better.  But you have to face the tough situations with the right attitude for the change to take place. 

So, next time you're facing an obstacle or a setback, whether it's a bad day, receiving bad news, fighting with a loved one...  Be the coffee.  Set an example, become better and turn a negative into a positive; FIND the positive.  I know; easier said than done, but it is worth a try.  Maybe being the coffee is just having a good attitude when you are in a negative situation...  Think about it...  Your attitude could impact so many people around you in a positive way.  I know at my office, my friends and I hover over the coffee pot every morning...  The yummy smell of the coffee alone is enough to perk us up a bit (or a lot, depending on the day).  Be the one whose presence perks those around you up and makes them see the good in any situation. 

I'm gong to try to be the coffee...  Be the coffee with me!

Other great responses I received on this post:
  • Pretty much any Bob Marley quote... Lol!
  • Here's a bunch of money; go buy some clothes! (Haha, Tish! I have a feeling this was in response to my asking for thoughts that make you happy! :)
  • ‎"If you can change it, don't worry about it... If you CAN'T change it, don't worry about it!" ...think about it.  I really like it!
  • If God brings you to it, he'll pull you through it...
  • I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky, I think about it every night and day, spread my wings and fly away. ...again, a mood lifter, when you think about it in the context of it being sung at the top our my lungs, while driving down the street... :) (Franchesca!)
  • Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying "I will try again tomorrow." - Mary Ann Radmacher ...a beautiful though, send from Rosary!
  • "in life, you have to realize...sometimes you're the windshield and other times, you're the bug." true Jennie, so true...  And on the days where we get to be the bug, just remember that one day, maybe tomorrow, you'll be the windshield.
  • The will of God will never take you where his grace will not protect you. ...again, something that we need to remember.  Thank you, Michelle!
  • prayer of serenity: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference :) ...LOVE this, thank you, Stephanie!

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