Monday, July 16, 2012

Raining and Training

I'm not sure what's going on with the weather here lately, but it seems like we've gotten more rain over the past couple of weeks than we've gotten in the past year!  I'm certainly not going to complain about this, seeing as how droughts have been all too common over the past few years, but it certainly is an adjustment.  It does, however, cause some potential setbacks when it comes to running.  I really didn't slack this past week in my training for the half marathon, but I don't feel like I got the best workouts I could have.  I no longer feel that the elliptical cuts it on days that I need to be running outside.  I've mentioned that my work schedule calls for me to change up my off days and make other changes to my training schedule, but there's not much I can do about that.  I am, unfortunately, realizing that I'll probably have to add some evening runs to my schedule here pretty soon.  This is going to be a tough one.  There are days when I have to get to work just a little too early to get a morning run in.  If it's raining (which, as I mentioned, has become very common), I don't mind hopping on the elliptical...  Something is definitely better than nothing, right?  But if it isn't raining, I think it's time to step it up and face the heat.  I think the best way to go about this major change is to keep the runs short and stick close by my house.  Maybe even break them up into two parts so I can stop for a water break.  It seriously is dangerous to try to run in such drastic heat, especially when you've become accustomed to the cool mornings (cool being a relative term here).  So, I'm going to try to implement this idea and see how it goes.  Skipping my long run this past Saturday really messed up my routine, but it was pretty much necessary.  I was exhausted from Friday.  That goes back to listening to your body.   Despite all my naps and sleeping in much later than I'm used to, I'm still struggling to keep my eyes open today.

So, no more slacking!!  If I'm going to do this (and I'm going to do this), I'm going to give it my all! :)

It's still not too late to sign up and run with me, so consider it!!

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