Saturday, May 19, 2012

What am I doing?

Well, I'm blogging! Or trying to, at least! I've thought about starting a blog for long enough, and now I've finally just decided to jump right into it... That, and I finally have things that some people may find interesting enough to read about. Maybe. So, what are these things?

  • I've signed up for my first 1/2 marathon, so I plan on writing about the process of training for that (I started today, and I've learned that I'm nowhere near as ready as I thought I was. Good thing the race is 29 weeks away.)

  • Also, I love to read. I'm in the process of starting up a little book club with a friend of mine. That is if I can ever find the time to finish the book I'm currently reading so that we can start a book around the same time. So, this may be somewhat of a book blog at some point.

  • And... I'm learning to play golf. It's fun to talk about how terrible I am and how excited I am when I see little improvements.

  • Photography! I love photography and take pictures quite a bit. My dad is a photographer, and we shoot events, mainly weddings, together. But I am always taking pictures. Love my Iphone camera, and I use it more than most people- it's just so convenient. (Don't worry, I don't use my Iphone professionally. I am a Canon girl .)

Those are the things that came to mind as I signed up for this. I'm sure that this will not revolve solely on those interests of mine, but it gives you a general idea.

So, I'm going to start with this whole half marathon training thing. I love working out, running, being in shape, being outside, so it may seem odd that I'll be 28 when I compete in my first race. I don't like competition and am not a competivive person at all, so maybe that's why I've never done one before. But then I started spending more and more time around other runners, and I guess I got the bug! I signed up for the B/CS 1/2 Marathon the first day possible and told pretty much everyone. Accountable now!!! Today was the first day of what I am calling my "official training." Today, I wanted to guage where I am. I've never really tracked my pace or distance, other than on our elliptical, which I can pretty much guarantee isn't all that accurate. I downloaded an app that tracks pace, distance, etc. I've taken a few days off from working out. More than normal. I think I took about 4 days off straight. Not by choice, but work and other things just got in the way. (I'm going to have to find a way to manage my time better in order to get all the workouts in, while still having a life and going to all my work events- work keeps me pretty busy.) So, first thing this morning- out of bed, ate a little (can't run on a full stomach, and I can't run with nothing in my system), and off I went. Okay, the results were not at all close to what I had expected or hoped for. I'm blaming the time off and the lack of energy for my slow pace and the level of difficulty I had with my run today. I know I'm going to have to run in the mornings in order to stay on track and make this happen. I'm just going to tell myself that it's going to get easier. And despite the diffculty I had today, I still finished my run! Good for me!

I'm sitting around, about to head to Houston to shoot a wedding this evening. This should be fun. I'll get to spend some time with my parents and have a little fun at the wedding. (It's not strictly a work wedding- my parents' neighbor's son is getting married, and my dad is pretty much doing all the work, and I just get to play around and shoot what interests me. Shooting a wedding solo is very difficult. So much is constantly going on, and you can only be in one place at a time, so it's good to have more than one camera capturing as much as possible. I'm also going to serve as my mom's date.)

I would be out on the golf course right about now if it weren't for the wedding. Golf is a relatively new thing for my husband and me. I grew up with my dad golfing all the time, but it never interested me (not competitive, remember...). But this year for my dad's birthday, my husband and I took him and my mom golfing... And that bug bit us both. Especially my husband, who bought clubs on the way home (not really, but close... I think it was maybe 3 or 4 days later) and has played nearly every weekend since. I've played almost every other weekend, but today he's out with a friend on the golf course! I reminded him to wear sunscreen. With all the time outside, we're doing everything to prevent really terrible tan lines. Despite the sunscreen, I still managed to get slightly tanned legs while keeping very pale feet. :( But as terrible as that is, golf is fun, and it's really a great feeling when you actually notice improvement. And there has been much improvement for the both of us. I still don't keep score, but my husband knocks at least a few strokes off his game each week. Or so it seems! So glad we started at the same time. It's pretty cool to have something that we are learning together.

And, if I weren't typing, I'd be reading... So, I think I pretty much touched on all the topics I said I would be writing about! Look at that!!

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